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New law against money laundering


Banking   Securities    Insurance    Remittance and Money Changing


Financial institutions must not be used as tools
for money laundering or terrorist financing!
A new law has taken effect
to safeguard Hong Kong's status
as an international financial centre

Super :

The Anti-Money Laundering
and Counter-Terrorist Financing
(Financial Institutions) Ordinance


When financial institutions
open accounts for new customers
or deal with specified non-account transactions

Super :

Remittances of HK$8,000 or above
OR other transactions of
HK$120,000 or above


they should verify customer identity
and keep a record
They cannot provide the service requested
without the required documents

End super :

Safeguard Hong Kong's status
as an international financial centre
Support the new measures in the financial sector
Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau
The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

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