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The Chief Executive’s 2021 Policy Address (Collection of Copies)

MVO: The Chief Executive will deliver her Policy Address on October 6
The full text and related publications will be available at
Super: October 6
Policy Address
MVO: Copies of the full text and leaflets can be obtained
at Home Affairs Enquiry Centres
Super: Home Affairs Enquiry Centres
MVO: or the footbridge entrance to Central Government Offices at Tamar that afternoon
Super: Footbridge entrance to
Central Government Offices
at Tamar
MVO: Leaflets can also be picked up at shopping centres
at public housing estates
Super: Selected shopping centres at public housing estates
MVO: major public libraries
Super: Major public libraries
MVO: selected government office buildings
Super: Selected government office buildings
MVO: and other locations
Remember to take a look!
End Super: HKSAR emblem
The Chief Executive’s 2021 Policy Address
October 6

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