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Greater Bay Area living, great choices

Mom:  What's so great about the Greater Bay Area?
Dad:  There're lots of choices!
Girl:  You see!
Mom:  The Greater Bay Area has expanded our living circle!
Dad:  You can open a Mainland bank account in Hong Kong, and shopping in the Greater Bay Area is so easy
Super:  Great Choices
Super:  Great Transportation
Girl:  So beautiful!
Super:  Great Connections
Dad:  We can also buy a flat here if you like
Super:  Great Living
Girl:  How about Grandpa and Grandma?
Dad:  No worries! The Hong Kong Health Care Voucher and Hong Kong-registered medicines and medical equipment can be used here!
Girl:  Grandpa, Grandma! We're back!
All family:  Greater Bay Area living, great choices
Super:  Greater Bay Area logo
Greater Bay Area Living
Great Choices!

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