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Learn more about tuberculosis (Web accessible version)

Description of visuals:  The first shot is in black and white and shows the super: 1960s

The scene is inside a study

Male actor BabyJohn Choi acts as a poor writer
and is writing on a desk

He uses a handkerchief to cover his mouth and coughs while writing
When BabyJohn sees the blood-stained sputum
on the handkerchief
he is stunned

He says in voice-over:
Tuberculosis mainly affects the lungs
and is also known as TB
BabyJohn Choi (Actor):  Tuberculosis mainly affects the lungs
and is also known as TB
Description of visuals:  From now on, the shots are in colours
A close-up shot shows a swirling mirror ball

Super on screen shows: 1970s

BabyJohn is dancing with two male
and two female dancers on a dance floor

He suddenly coughs and the dancers stay away from him

BabyJohn says in voice-over:
It can be spread through the air
BabyJohn Choi (Actor):  It can be spread through the air
Description of visuals:  The scene returns to a close-up shot
showing BabyJohn watching a video on a mobile phone
which shows him dancing on the dance floor of the 1970s

Super on screen shows: Present

BabyJohn then walks on a footbridge
looking at his mobile phone

He suddenly coughs
and the people nearby cover their noses staring at him angrily

He says in voice-over:
Tuberculosis has never disappeared in Hong Kong
BabyJohn Choi (Actor):  Tuberculosis has never disappeared in Hong Kong
Description of visuals:  The scene changes to a classroom
A close-up shot shows a hand swiping the blackboard with a duster

Super on screen shows: Tuberculosis

BabyJohn tells the students in the classroom:
There are still several thousand new cases each year
BabyJohn Choi (Actor):  There are still several thousand new cases each year
Description of visuals:  The scene changes to a bedroom

A close-up shot shows a hand pulling a string
of a bedside lamp to switch it on

The next scene shows BabyJohn sitting on a bed
patting his chest and coughing

Super on screen shows:
Persistent cough
Blood-stained sputum

BabyJohn says in voice-over:
Symptoms include persistent cough, blood-stained sputum
BabyJohn Choi (Actor):  Symptoms include persistent cough, blood-stained sputum
Description of visuals:  BabyJohn continues to stay in bed
He has a thermometer in his mouth

He then pats his forehead
wipes the sweat
and then checks the temperature shown on the thermometer

Super on screen shows: Fever
Night sweat
Weight loss

BabyJohn says in voice-over:
BabyJohn Choi (Actor):  fever, night sweat and weight loss
Description of visuals:  The scene changes to the entrance of a clinic

BabyJohn, wearing a doctor’s gown
pushes the door and enters the clinic

He says:
Consult a doctor if you have coughed for three weeks
BabyJohn Choi (Actor):  Consult a doctor if you have coughed for three weeks
Description of visuals:  The scene then shows a map of Hong Kong
and the locations of Department of Health’s chest clinics

BabyJohn Choi says in front of the map

The Department of Health’s chest clinics
provide free tuberculosis diagnostic and treatment services
BabyJohn Choi (Actor):  The Department of Health’s chest clinics
provide free tuberculosis diagnostic and treatment services
Description of visuals:  Lastly, the shot shows a blackboard
with on-screen super:

Learn more about tuberculosis
Seek medical advice early

the website of Tuberculosis and Chest Service of Department of Health
and the logo of Department of Health

BabyJohn says in voice-over:
Visit the Tuberculosis and Chest Service’s website for details
BabyJohn Choi (Actor):  Visit the Tuberculosis and Chest Service’s website for details

Web Accessibility Conformance